Star Wars Characters Land at Rancho Obi-Wan

What would you do with 5,000 Star Wars character cards? The promotional images of iconic Star Wars characters were donated to Movie Poster Archives. Unfortunately, they didn’t fit into any of the normal categories of movie posters, lobby cards, stills or press kits. What to do?

Archivist Ed Poole contacted long-time colleague Steve Sansweet at Rancho Obi-Wan, the nonprofit museum housing the world’s largest collection of Star Wars memorabilia. An email soon came back from general manager Anne Neumann saying yes, they could use the 8”x10” promo cards for swag and gifts if shipping wasn’t prohibitive.

Ed packed the cards and sent them on their snail mail journey to a new home at Rancho Obi-Wan in Sonoma Valley, California. May the force be with us all!

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